

GIBB’s Transportation sector offers a comprehensive range of services to both public and private clients that include transport planning, engineering and policy, transport economics, logistics and operations, Public Private Partnership (PPP) solutions, and asset management services.
We have the capability to successfully deliver an array of projects that include high-capacity highways, airport pavements, railways and transport related infrastructure. The team is supported by geotechnical and material engineers, and other specialists.
Inception, concept and viability, design, documentation and procurement, contract administration and monitoring of:
Roads and Highways
Geometric Design.
Pavement Analysis and Rehabilitation.
Bridge Design and Inspections.
Stormwater Hydrology, Drainage and Floodlines.
Traffic Accommodation.
Pedestrian Facilities.
Airport Design.
Runway Design and Rehabilitation.
Route Planning.
Perway Engineering.
Overhead Traction Equipment and Substations.
Signalling and Telecommunications.
Condition Assessment and Refurbishment.
Traffic and Transportation
Integrated Transport Plans.
Master Planning.
Network and Intersection Capacity Analysis.
Traffic Management.
Public Transport Facility Planning and Design.
Road Safety Audits.
Transport Economics, Freight, and Logistics.
Landside Infrastructure.
Logistics, Planning and Operations.
Modal Planning and Design.
Selected Project Experience
Gauteng Rapid Rail Link System Infrastructure and Operational Design

Gauteng Provincial Government
Gauteng, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed to be a member of the transaction advisory team for public-private partnerships on the Gauteng Rapid Rail Link Project in Johannesburg,
Tshwane and Ekurhuleni. Tasks included: technology and socio-economic studies; rail alignment and station site assessment; route planning and station location; passenger and revenue demand forecasting; civil and perway works design; review of the relocation and protection of utilities; construction assurance and utility relocation; commercial support for variations; operations output specification; and preparation and adjudication of concession contract.

Gauteng, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed for the Gauteng Rapid Rail Link Tunnel which serves part of Gauteng with a rapid transport service, providing a safe, efficient and reliable service to commuters. It is also linked to the OR Tambo International Airport.
GIBB’s tasks included: design review and specifications; provision of a construction supervision team for 15 km of soft and hard rock tunnelling, including three underground stations; earthworks; bridges; viaducts; stations; the EM and M depot; signals; telecoms; safety; security, and noise and vibration.

Roads Authority of Namibia
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed to provide the consulting services for the duel carriageway between Windhoek and Rehoboth in Namibia (approximately 90 km).
This project entailed the upgrade of the existing two-lane, single carriageway to a new four-lane divided dual carriageway road including interchanges, river bridges and a road-over-rail bridges. The road section serves as part of the transit corridor from South Africa to Namibia’s northern neighbours including Angola, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
GIBB’s tasks included: feasibility studies; preliminary designs; detailed designs for interchanges, bridge, culvert and drainage systems; preparation of bid documentation; economic analysis; traffic engineering; technical specifications; construction administration, and site supervision.

City of Cape Town
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB’s activities included transport planning and traffic engineering, drainage and stormwater studies, geometric design, pavement engineering, structural design and building services.

Government of the Rivers State
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB provided the development of a framework plan that included: town planning, water & wastewater engineering, stormwater master planning, roads & drainage engineering, energy (gas & electricity) engineering and environmental services.

Airports Company South Africa (ACSA)
Eastern Cape, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
ACSA appointed GIBB to undertake studies of air traffic, geometric design, pavement engineering, drainage and stormwater engineering, runway asphalt friction solutions and lighting design.
This was for the rehabilitation of the pavement of the existing runways and associated taxiways at the East London Airport, following International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) compliance.
The works primarily entailed the milling of existing asphalt layers, asphalt inlay and geometric and/or structural overlays, improvement of runway end safety areas (RESA), as well as side strips where required.
All pavement work was carried out at night between 21h30 and 05h00 which met the requirement that the airside infrastructure be fully operational at the end of each night shift.
Ekurhuleni 5 Regional Spatial Development Frameworks (RSDFS)

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Gauteng, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was involved at all stages of the integrated and co-ordinated spatial planning. This included the investigation of the integration between the transport system with economic development activities and ensuring that all facets of integration received attention from the authorities.

Government of the Rivers State
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed for two phases of a project for the Port Harcourt Monorail (Port Harcourt is the capital and largest city of the Rivers State in Nigeria). The monorail was to alleviate traffic congestion and improve travel times and act as a facilitator of urban redevelopment.
The objective was to create a mass transport system that meets the highest international standards of technical excellence, harnesses the energy and efficiency of the private sector, has broad social and political acceptance and acts as facilitator of economic growth and urban renewal in line with the Greater Port Harcourt City Development Plan.
The first phase of the construction included route planning and station location, project management and construction assurance, testing and commissioning, procurement of operations and maintenance contractor and performance monitoring.
The second phase of the monorail construction involved GIBB acting as owner’s engineer which included project management, programme management, system design and integration, construction assurance monitoring, procurement of an operation and maintenance contractor, testing and commissioning and operation and maintenance performance monitoring.

Johannesburg, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
To provide detailed engineering for the refurbishment of the OR Tambo Airport Fuelling Services Depot. GIBB undertook the following designs: stormwater upgrade, pavement rehabilitation and sewage connection; floating suction upgrade; tank modifications, piping replacement; sampling systems upgrades, and electrical and instrumentation work. The depot is to have an operating life of more than 50 years in a Highveld environment.